Are the Bags Authentic?
Guarantee will be given for every bag for 24 hours.
money back if there is a replica bag.
What does my bag come with?
Generally Gucci will come with paper bag, dustbag, controllato, booklet and receipt. for coach, there is no paper bag given. for lv, dustbag, paper bag and receipt will be given.
Any discount?
Sorry dear, prices are FIXED! Hope you understand that our price has been marked down and its already cheaper than Malaysia Boutique. and so, all our bags are included US Sales Tax, Shipping fees to Malaysia, bank charges , credit card charges & Minimal Handling Fees.
Guarantee will be given for every bag for 24 hours.
money back if there is a replica bag.
Where do your Bags Come From?
My bags Are most from United State. Some will be from UK,Paris and other Europe countries.Can I Get Other Designer Bags from Official Website?
CAN! Email or Leave the URL link of the item u want, or provide me code of the items via email,comment box and SMS.What does my bag come with?
Generally Gucci will come with paper bag, dustbag, controllato, booklet and receipt. for coach, there is no paper bag given. for lv, dustbag, paper bag and receipt will be given.
Any discount?
Sorry dear, prices are FIXED! Hope you understand that our price has been marked down and its already cheaper than Malaysia Boutique. and so, all our bags are included US Sales Tax, Shipping fees to Malaysia, bank charges , credit card charges & Minimal Handling Fees.
if there is a question, pls do not hesitate to email me!
email :
phone# : +6012-3526033
thanks ^^